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It was an absolutely perfect day in New Orleans when we shot Meghan & Jarret’s engagement photos. The light was perfect, the air was crisp and New Orleans was alive and rockin’! We decided to do the shoot near Loyola University. I love that area! I think if I ever decided to move to Nola I would certainly try to live in that general vicinity because the culture and feel there is just awesome.

Jarret’s silly and goofy personality kept Meghan laughing the entire shoot. They were both super easy to work with as we strolled around capturing the love between them. I had a great time and I know they both did too! I am so looking forward to their upcoming wedding this spring!


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Did I mention Meghan is also a girl who loves pink?? I love her more for it!! ; )


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Callie is one of the most beautiful brides inside and out that I’ve had the privilege of knowing. I met her about 4 years ago when I shot my cousin’s wedding and all along I have secretly hoped I would shoot her wedding someday. She is genuinely kind-hearted, loving and just an all around angel. Her gentle spirit inspires me constantly to be a better person. I love just being around her! Callie and John David were married yesterday – I have been itching to shoot their wedding for a while now! Even with the rain, it was perfect. I will be blogging that soon but I wanted to post her bridal photos we shot a couple of months ago that I’ve been dying to post. It’s always torture having to wait until after the wedding to post bridals! Below are a few of my favorites. Stay tuned for their wedding post!

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LOVE this:

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She brought her niece/flower girl to snap a few shots as well.


I mean, really… could she be any more elegant?


Loved the shoes!!

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This past week I have been thinking so much about life. The start of the new year is a new beginning and I want to do things differently this year than I ever have before. There are things I need less of and things I need way more of. I am so excited about turning a chapter in my life and entering into a new season of change. I have become SO refreshed with a new outlook I have on life and I couldn’t be more happy about it. The future is so very bright! I feel like anything I want is at my fingertips, I just have to step out and grab it. I am SO excited about life.

As you may have noticed in some of my tweets and updates and also with a lack of posting on this blog, I am BUSY. I am not complaining about that whatsoever, but sometimes I admit I feel overwhelmed. I’m doing a good job at staying on top of everything, however there are so many things I’d like to be able to work on that I have no time for. Not to mention I have hardly any time left for my personal life and that’s never a good thing. With that being said, keep a lookout in the next month or so for when I announce that I am looking for a part-time assistant. I’ll be posting it on this blog and will have information about what I am looking for and such. I am super excited about finding someone! It’s truly going to be a great thing to help my business grow even more and I am thrilled about it!

Here is a little teaser from an engagement shoot that I will blogging next week. It makes me all warm inside. : ) Happy Friday!


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Today is the big day… the day that I get to do WHATEVER I WANT and no one can say anything to me!! I love birthdays! Who doesn’t right? Well, except for the getting older part. I’d honestly be perfectly happy staying 25 forever! That was the age I was finally content with. Boo to getting older, but yay to getting wiser and becoming a better person! I guess getting older isn’t so bad. Three years from today I will be 30 years old… (yikes!) and there are a lot of things I would like to accomplish by then. So I decided to write a list of 100 things I would like to do before my 30th birthday. I am big dreamer and I fully intend on trying my hardest to accomplish every single one of them because none of them are impossible!

Here is my list:

1. open a full time boudoir studio
2. shoot a wedding in England
3. attend a really formal event such as a ball
4. blog everyday for 30 days in a row
5. have a boudoir client come back for her 3rd boudoir shoot
6. sell my motorcycle (2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250 if you’re interested!)
7. be featured in a fabulous wedding magazine
8. shoot a celebrity wedding
9. go to Europe for a month
10. hike the Inca Trail from Cusco to Machu Picchu (4 day adventure in Peru)
11. own a home
12. go to Thailand
13. organize a group of people to go to Peru to visit the orphanage there & play with the kids for a week
14. host a workshop for photographers
15. hire an assistant/mini-me
16. organize all my personal photos
17. start writing a book
18. get a promo video made
19. invent something fabulous
20. join a dance class
21. make a new BFF/kindred spirit
22. lose 25 pounds
23. do something to change someone else’s life in a drastically great way
24. meet my sponsor child (more on that soon)
25. go on more walks with my dog
26. read all of the Twilight books (shush it!)
27. have a wedding featured on Green Wedding Shoes blog. (already had a photo featured there once!)
28. shoot a wedding with Still Motion
29. find the perfect staff for the boudoir studio I open
30. write and direct a short movie
31. go on a photo road trip with a group of fun photographers
32. photograph someone who I admire
33. have a boudoir shoot done of myself!
34. own 20 different chandeliers in my studio : )
35. triple my blog traffic
36. blog everyday for 30 days in a row on my boudoir blog
37. add a FAQ page to my boudoir blog
38. have 5000 facebook friends
39. go to egypt
40. work out 5 days a week consistently
41. be featured/interviewed on a major national talk show
42. photograph a celebrity’s boudoir shoot
43. blog how I “fix” my hair
44. make a really cool craft, etsy worthy
45. have my name show up in google suggestions once you’ve typed in “courtney” (right now it shows up when you type “courtney d”)
46. meet the band RED and tell them how much their music inspires me
47. photograph one of the Victoria’s Secret Angels
48. be featured in a major magazine about my boudoir work
49. visit The Great Wall of China
50. get my boudoir site to show up in the top 10 sites when you google “boudoir”
51. double my income
52. donate a week of my time to a good cause
53. host a really awesome party for friends at either my studio or home that I will own
54. get married (fingers crossed!)
55. get every movie that I love watching over and over on DVD
56. discover more bands/music that I looooove
57. attend more concerts
58. start a family (fingers crossed again!!)
59. adopt a child. (okay that’s not going to happen by the time I’m 30, but I want it to happen someday)
60. spend more time doing personal things
61. be invited to fly on someone’s private plane
62. be asked to speak at a photography convention
63. take more personal photos
64. make a photo book of the 30 years of my life
65. get a book published of my best boudoir work
66. shoot a wedding in L.A.
67. get new photos taken of myself for my website/blog
68. have a whole room in my home dedicated to a gallery of my favorite photos
69. go back to Paris
70. paint a wall pink either in my studio or home
71. buy a vintage couch
72. get 2000 Twitter followers
73. design another tattoo
74. get rid of things I don’t need anymore
75. get some black UGGS
76. get dressed up & wear heels 7 days in a row
77. host a party for my boudoir clients (past, present and future)
78. get another dog (on the fence about that one!)
79. fill up my passport with stamps
80. shoot a vintage-styled wedding (any takers? ; )
81. shoot a vintage-styled engagement shoot (any takers? : )
82. get my savings account to where I want it
83. write a letter- an actual letter to someone
84. host a party for local photographers
85. get my name legally changed to make Courtney my 1st name instead of 2nd
86. have a closet full of accessories for my boudoir clients to use
87. find the perfect lawyer for all my legal mumbo jumbo
88. get my blog professionally redesigned
89. donate my hair to Locks of Love (ooo that one makes me nervous!)
90. collaborate with an amazing interior designer for my boudoir studio
91. get letterpress for both my wedding and boudoir businesses
92. swim in the ocean (I’m scared of drowning!)
93. shoot my 500th boudoir session
94. surprise an old friend with an unexpected visit
95. conquer a fear
96. get packaging specially designed and branded for my boudoir products
97. spend a whole day on a boat in some exotic part of the world
98. do a favor for a friend in need
99. spend a whole day doing absolutely
100. have an amazing and huge 30th birthday party!

That’s my ‘lil ‘ol list. : ) Nothing to it right?

And because posts are better with photos…. here is a photo that I shot when I was living in Peru for 6 months in 2007 of a perfect rainbow around the sun. It reminds me that life is full of promise and we really can live our lives to their fullest potentials. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!


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Brittany and Adam are awesome. Nuff said… but I will keep going. When I spent time with them while shooting their engagement photos, I knew that they were some of the most genuinely kindhearted people I had ever met. They are the type of people I could spend time with and feel like a better person just by being in their presence. I am so truly honored to have such amazing clients. I really don’t know why they pick me, but I am so glad they do because I adore each and every one of them. The wedding day was perfect and full of love and romance. Everything went incredibly smooth, and I couldn’t have asked for a better day or bride and groom.

Brittany and Adam, thank you SO much for inviting me into your lives, and your love story. I am the lucky one for knowing you both. Your love has not only inspired me but enriched my life. I heart you and wish you both all the happiness in the world because you truly deserve it.

Below are a few of my favorite shots from the day.

Love the dress, LOVE the shoes. I love it when my brides get creative and do something a little out of the ordinary.


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Brittany is always smiling, always happy. Love that about her.


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They opted to do a “First Look” before their ceremony. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… that is one of the best decisions you could make for your wedding day. It was especially great for Brittany and Adam because their ceremony didn’t start until 7pm and in the winter the sun sets around 5ish so by the time the wedding would have been over, there would have been no more pretty light for great photos.

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Not only is a First Look wonderful for getting great photos, but it is such a sweet and intimate moment shared between the couple. It gives you time to talk to each other and reassure each other of the amazing day and commitment ahead of you. It really is a beautiful thing that I always feel so honored to be a part of.


We took advantage of the extra time and walked around downtown to take more pictures.


Such a lovely couple, inside and out.


There is just something about this shot that I love that Michael got.

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Doesn’t this look like a fun bridal party? They were truly all that and a bag of chips.


I was loving the black and red themed colors. Deep rich colors always photograph so well. Another great reason for the First Look is that we are able to get all of the bridal party photos taken before the ceremony. We only had to shoot the family photos right after the ceremony and it took less than 15 minutes to do.

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Love this.


Michael shot the next 2 of the groomsmen and I must say I love them!

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I just love this of Adam completely chill while waiting for the limo to pick him and the bridal party up to head to the ceremony.


The ceremony was held at Grace Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I loved how Brittany decorated the church to go along with her theme.

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Michael snapped this shot of their first kiss as Mr. and Mrs.


At the reception there was a whole candy bar to match the red theme as well, which I completely adore. I saw this at Rheana and Joseph’s wedding earlier this year and LOVED the idea. I think it’s super cute and fun.

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All of her red and black colors went so perfectly with the reception hall (Boudreaux’s) still being decorated for Christmas.

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Happy Friday everyone!

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First up: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2010 is treating you well so far.

Second up: If you don’t follow me on Twitter or Facebook, then you may not know the exciting news that my new website launched yesterday! HOOORAY! Just in time for the new year!! Boy, talk about timing. I have always worked really well under pressure. It tends to motivate me a whole bunch and even though I began working on this new site 4 months ago, it wasn’t until a few days ago that I really sat my butt down and made it happen!!! THANK YOU PRESSURE! : ) I also have to give a huge shout out to Michael for sitting down with me and helping me finish it. If it weren’t for him, I don’t know if it would be done by now. Yay!! I am so excited to have such a huge project completed and I hope you all enjoy the new site!! Check it out here:


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Wow, I can’t believe 2009 is almost over. In less than 24 hours we will begin a brand new YEAR! I can’t even begin to express my excitement about that. The past year has been amazing! (As you read in my previous post.) In February I will be celebrating 12 years as a photographer. WOW! When I look back on the last 12 years it amazes me how much I’ve grown and developed my talent and style as an artist. One thing I’ve learned in the last couple of years is how important blogging is. It keeps you hip, fresh and makes your creative wheels turn. It’s so important for your clients and potential clients to get to know you as an artist and I am so happy this is something I figured out even before I started my own company one year ago! It was two years ago today that I decided to join the blogging world. I was living in Peru, South America at the time, and not shooting tons… but none the less, my very first blog post was written 2 years ago on this date. By no means do I claim to be a writer, but MAN… I have definitely gotten better since back then! At least I try to write more than 3 sentences now. ; ) I’ve come a long way since that first post and I still feel as though as I have a long way to go in the blogging world. But at least I have made progress and that’s what counts. In 2010 I promise to be more dedicated to this blog and make it even better! That is definitely one of my 2010 goals that is at the top of the list – and I thank each and every one of you who have been following me and supporting me all along the way! Without you, this blog would be pointless!

I wish all of you a very happy and prosperous New Year! May 2010 be the BEST ONE YET!

… annnnddd because a post is boring without a picture, here is one I took of the spot I spend most of my time: MY OFFICE. Holllla! Yes, there is lots of pink – DUH. If you haven’t figured it out by now, pink makes this girl happy. The lighting isn’t super awesome for a picture, but I usually keep it a lot darker than this when I’m working. I like to be able to see my images with clarity and no lighting around me to mess me up! It’s my own personal cave, don’t hate yo. Oh and don’t mind that empty black and white frame at the top of my shelf to the right. It’s only been empty for like 6 months since my cousin gave it to me. I’ve been meaning to fill it with a shot from Paris! It’s so hard to find time to work on personal pictures though! Anyways, that is it. I love my little cave and that’s all there is to it.

Here’s to many more years of blogging!! Hooray!


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