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When Danielle walked into the room of our very first meeting, it was as if she instantly lit up the room with her presence and smile. As soon as she sat down and started telling me about her big day, I knew I was going to like her! By the time our meeting was over, I had a major crush on her! Her personality and outlook on life was everything I could ever hope to aspire to be and I was completely thrilled she invited me into her life to document her and Jason’s love story. As time has passed since our first meeting, I have only grown to adore her more and more and after shooting their engagement session, I felt even more privileged and blessed just to even have met such an amazing couple. These two people are truly beautiful inside and out and I am SO VERY honored to be a part of their lives. I cannot wait for the big day in a few months!

Danielle sent me the following email this morning after viewing her engagement pictures. As if I didn’t adore Jason and Danielle already, this story made me fall in love with them more. Get the Kleenex ready!

I just looked at the pictures and they are amazing!!!!! I have some absolute favorites that I just can not stop looking at!! You are so talented and have such an amazing gift. I never mentioned this to you but when Jason was 5 years old he was diagnosed with leukemia. He relapsed when he was 16 years old and was given 3 weeks to live unless he underwent a bone marrow transplant. Even with the surgery he had a 40% chance of survival. I truly believe that God kept Jason here on earth for me to meet and for others to get the pleasure of knowing a true angel. I have never met someone that has such a great outlook on life. When I look at these pictures…I can’t help but think of Jason’s story and how lucky I am to not only have met him but to spend the rest of my life with him. I feel like I am marrying not only my best friend but a true survivor. I tend to focus on the things that really don’t matter at times and it’s so great having Jason in my life to point out what truly does. I think that we all take things for granted. We look at the glass half empty in a lot of situations. Jason has taught me that every breath is precious and every moment is worth capturing. Thanks so much for capturing ours.

…and that folks, is why I love what I do. I am so blessed by my amazing clients who inspire me every single day.


These 2 are truly in love.


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I LOVE the expression on Jason’s face here – so mischievous.

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Danielle & Jason both kept trying to convince me that they aren’t photogenic and they had no idea how I was going to make them look good. Ummm, PUH-lease!!! Can someone slap them for me? As IF. They worked it like pros.


Danielle – you are so beautiful!


They make the most perfect couple!

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Danielle and Jason, thank you SO much for inviting me to be a part of your special day, but more importantly, your lives. I heart you both!

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Okay so I am trying really hard not to “tease” on my blog, but it’s so hard not to! I am in Colorado right now because I shot a wedding here on Tuesday evening. We woke up super early this morning to head to the mountains of Estes Park to play in the snow for their “Day After/Trash the Dress” shoot. It was so much fun and I cannot wait to blog the photos. I am such a girly girl when it comes to snow – there is something so magical about it! I have been waiting for this shoot for a while! I have several other things to blog before this one so for now I will just leave you with a couple of my favorites. More to come!

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Michael snagged this shot of me in action. He is becoming quite an amazing photographer and I will be posting several of his shots from today’s shoot soon!


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It was just another ordinary day – the sun was shining, mom was cleaning the house, dad was studying the Bible, and my siblings were doing their usual activities. There was absolutely nothing special about this particular day during the week. This was during a time in my life when I still wasn’t sure who I was or what I was going to become. I was 15 years old and up until that point I just viewed my life as a normal one and assumed I would most likely grow up to continue living that “normal” life. I had no idea what I would do when I became an adult, I just knew I had a yearning deep in my soul to be independent and take care of myself – that was probably my biggest dream at the time: the freedom to spread my wings. That’s all I knew and I wanted it – badly. I thought about it day and night. I could not wait until the time would arrive that I could be free to live my “normal” life. Then, out of nowhere, on that ordinary day, I suddenly was hit with what felt like a whirlwind of inspiration and vision. It was completely unexpected, surprising, and almost took my breath away. It was at that moment that I knew my life wouldn’t ever be “normal” like I thought — that God had bigger plans than my small brain could fathom. It was one of the most humbling and inspiring moments of my entire life – I won’t ever forget it. I knew that day in the small pueblo of Urubamba, Peru that I would never be the same and that I was destined to live a life of promise – the life God had always intended for me to live.

In life it is so easy to lose sight of our real purpose. We get so caught up in the “norm” of life and tend to let our everyday responsibilities and burdens distract us from the deeper meaning of our lives. We set goals when we are young but then as soon as the first thing goes wrong or comes unexpectedly, we quickly get caught up in it and forget all about the dreams we once had. Our inspiration slowly fades away when “reality” sets in and you feel like there is no way you could ever live your dreams the way you always hoped you would. The inspiration dwindles down to almost nothing and before you know it you’re living the “normal” life like everyone else, with no hope of ever escaping it. But I believe with every single cell in my body, that it’s never too late to get it back. No matter how many years have passed, how many mistakes have been made or how much hope has been lost… tomorrow is a new day and a fresh chance to start living the life you were intended to live.

The most tragic thing that could happen to you would be to come to the end of your life and look back at it thinking, “I did not live the life I was intended to live.”

Start living.


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Callie and John David are one of the most precious couples I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. It seemed like there was nothing that could get them down on this day… not the rain… not even the bridesmaid getting her car smashed on the way to the wedding! They are both so sweet and in love with each other that they inspire everyone else around them to see life a little brighter. Callie and JD met on a YMCA swim team when they were 5 years old and that’s where the magic began. The first time I met Callie I had an inclination she might just be an angel – I really don’t think she could hurt a fly – but after getting to know her better I realized that she is not only REALLY an angel but she has a heart of gold. I didn’t meet John David until the day of their engagement shoot, and I must admit I had the subconscious prejudgment of, “who could possibly be good enough for Callie? I refuse to believe that this John David guy will fit the criteria.” I’m NOT even kidding you. : ) But after spending that hour with both of them and getting to know JD a little better, I finally *got it* –  the adoration they had in each others eyes was the kind that not only makes you believe in true love, but that it lasts forever. John David is a marine on active duty so they don’t get to spend nearly enough time together. He has been in Afghanistan most of the time that Callie has been planning the wedding and he just got into town a few weeks before their big day after being gone for way too long. I’ve always admired military men and their wives so much because of their courage. Relationships are hard enough for the rest of us without being kept apart for so long – their bravery and determination truly astounds me.

Callie and John David, thank you so much for letting me into your love story. I truly admire your courage – you both make me want to be a better person. Your wedding was nothing short of perfect, rain and all, and I am so proud to know you both.


Callie wore a Marine Corps insignia on her garter which was so fitting.

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John David reading a card from Callie right before the ceremony.


I absolutely love LOVE the next 2 shots Michael captured of Callie and her father making their way down to John David.

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The entire ceremony they kept giving each other the cutest looks.

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I think this shot pretty much sums them up:

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The entire bridal party wore Chucks to the reception — um YES PLEASE!

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Their first dance as Mr. & Mrs.


Notice in this shot I waited until the guest behind them went to use her camera… then used her flash at that precise moment as a back light. Oh yes, I am just THAT good. ; )


Love this of John David dancing with his mother.


The king and queen on their throne — I mean, photobooth.

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The next 3 shots made me laugh too much not to post them.

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Probably my favorite shot of the whole day – the two happiest people on earth in that very moment.

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Callie & JD — thank you a million times over for being YOU.

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So I realize I haven’t made a single post this week. Trust me, it’s driving me completely insane! I hate not having time to blog – however I am currently working on getting a better system together so that I will have more time to do so. Progress, progress! I do have several things I want to blog very soon so stay tuned!

For now enjoy this photo I shot from my trip to Chicago this past weekend. There is something I just love about it!


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I’ve just made it to Grand Rapids, Michigan and as I unpack and prepare for an exciting day of boudoir shoots tomorrow I had to take a minute to blog this engagement shoot I did recently. Brittany very recently booked me for her upcoming wedding in February. Even though the planning of everything is very close to her wedding date, I was so glad I was able to talk her into squeezing an engagement shoot in because I can’t stress enough how great they are. It really helps me to get to know the couple’s spirits & personalities as well as it gives the couple the opportunity to get comfortable in front of the camera and around me. Not to mention it’s just plain FUN! I absolutely adored shooting Brittany & Jordan.

It was a truly perfect day for shooting as the light streamed in through the trees creating just the right mood.

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The sun went behind some clouds for the rest of the shoot but I must admit I liked the different feel for the shots.


One of my favorites from the day:

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Are they a good looking couple or what?

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Love this.

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Brittany & Jordan – thank you so much for letting me document your love! I look forward to the big day very soon!

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Hello Cyberworld! It’s a fabulous day here in Southern Louisiana and as I pack and prepare for my trip to Grand Rapids & Chicago for the boudoir marathons I will be hosting this weekend, I wanted to take a quick moment to say hello and blog a few more random things that I just love! This post may completely bore you to tears, but hey if you’re sitting at work surfing the web this may be the perfect way to waste some time. ; )

So first up: I have recently signed up to Netflix and ummmm where has this been all my life? Why hasn’t anyone made me sign up to this sooner? Why is Blockbuster still in business? Dude, Netflix rocks! It’s like 9 bucks a month and you can watch all the movies you want?? Um yes please! They even let you watch some movies online — annnnd when you send one back you get the next one in your queue a couple of days later. It’s amazing and I love it! So I know you’ve heard of Netflix, but if you haven’t signed up yet — do it. You will love it!

Secondly: there is this one girl that I just ADORE. She is fun, sweet, friendly, fabulous and an all around angel! The girl I’m referring to is Joslyn Davis. I met her last April in Paris  – we hit it off big time because I love her spunk and positive attitude on life. Her laughter is contagious and just spending a little time with her will make you want to be more excited about life. She is just.plain.awesome. She is a model in the L.A. area and also a host of ClevverTV — an interactive celebrity gossip blog. So once you’re done reading my boring little post for the day and you need something else to read, head over and indulge your secret need to know what’s going on in Hollywood. ; ) Be sure to watch some of Joslyn’s videos, as that’s my favorite part. I promise you’ll adore her as much as I do. I heart you girl! Can’t wait to come visit again so we can hang out!

Third: A few days ago I tweeted about my bride surprising me with hot pink Converse Chuck Taylors when I arrived that morning to begin documenting her big day. I’ve seriously worn them everyday since. She even was sneaky enough to find out my shoe size and they fit perfectly! The best thing is I have been wanting them for a while now but have never seen them sold in stores anywhere. I don’t think she even knew that. I was completely shocked and blown away when she handed them over. I NEVER expect gifts from my clients, but I’m not gonna lie… it’s so touching when I do!! I couldn’t believe how thoughtful her and her groom were to think of me and go out of their way to get me these! I LOVE THEM! I will be blogging their wedding photos very soon and you will see WHY exactly they gave me chucks. : ) It went quite perfectly with their theme.

Happy Wednesday Internet Peeps!


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