courtney dellafiora blog :: international wedding photographer »

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Earlier this month I had the tremendous honor of attending a workshop by one of my favorite photographers ever: Jasmine Star in Orange County, California. She is truly a blessing in not only my life, but in countless others I’m sure. I’ve always been incredibly inspired by her photography, but more so by her as an artist, writer and business woman. This woman has it going on and I am super lucky to have gotten to spend some time with her. She challenged all of us who attended with many aspects of our businesses and I know that we each took home a piece of the “Star” that shines so brightly in Jasmine. Thank you J for sharing all of your wonderful knowledge with me and the other workshop attendees. You are without a doubt, amazing.

While at the workshop we were blessed to have Melinda and Vern come model for us. They were married over a year ago and were willing to put on their wedding attire again to rock out a photoshoot. I had the hardest time picking favorites to blog about because they seriously ROCKED it.

First let’s start with talking about that amazing bouquet… the oober (yes, I know it’s correctly spelled uber but I like how it looks with the “oo”s- I’m a nerd I know.) talented Carissa with JL Designs made this incredible bouquet that you will get to see more of in this post. Be sure to check out her other work on her website – she is seriously talented!


I was seriously diggin’ Vern’s bow tie and mustache combo.


How incredibly gorgeous does Melinda look in her Monique Lhuillier dress? I LOVED it.

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Are they a hot couple or what?

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Melinda’s stunning hair and makeup were done by the FABULOUS Vivian Tran with All Made Up. Vivian is INCREDIBLY kind and sweet… she is such a pleasure to work with and not to mention, very talented.


I looooove this. Melinda, you are exquisite.



Hands down, my absolute favorite of the day. I love this shot because it means so much to me personally as it truly represents me as an artist. It’s definitely my signature look and I think Vern and Melinda display it beautifully.

orangecountyphotographer0013Happy Monday!!!

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Well it’s only taken me long enough, but I have finally gotten a chance to start doing FAQ posts for my all my photographer friends out there. I get emails all the time from different photographers all over the world with questions and even though I try my best to answer all of them, my clients come first so I may not always get the chance to respond. Hopefully I will be able to answer most of your questions through FAQ posts. I’ll do my best at least! And FYI, I don’t claim to know it all. Even with my almost 12 years of experience, I am still learning all the time. Also, not everyone does things the way I do. The neat thing about photography is you can pretty much break the rules. I have learned that art cannot be taught and I encourage you to go out and find your own way of doing things. In the long run it will make you more successful that way for being different and unique.

1. Did you go to school for photography?
Ready for this? Nope!! I have never taken a class or read a book on photography in my life. I know that may be hard to believe. But I have always found for me personally I learn easier when I just do something and learn from experience. In no way am I saying you shouldn’t take a class or read books, I’m just saying I didn’t… but everyone learns differently. At age 15 I got a job at LSU’s 4h mini farm – a job that lasted only two weeks – getting paid minimum wage. (sidenote: this has nothing to do with what I am talking about but Mikey, at 16yrs old, also worked this particular year at the mini farm and in NO WAY was that the real reason I made sure to get hired as well… but he sure was THRILLED when he found out I’d be working with him… oh it’s true, ask him.) I saved my pennies and along with the help of my grandmother, was able to purchase my first camera. A film Nikon N50. As soon as I got my hands on that baby I shot anyone who would let me practice on them. It’s truly how I began to learn lighting and flattering angles on people. Experience has been my greatest teacher.

2. I just got into photography and was wondering what advice you have for new photographers who are just starting out in the business?
Shoot, shoot, shoot!! : ) No, really. If you don’t already have a good digital camera, then a really excellent one to start with is the Canon 50d. Don’t be afraid to play with the manual settings on your camera and allow your self to make mistakes – because that’s how you learn. Plus it’s okay, because it’s DIGITAL and you can just hit that magic little button called DELETE and no one will ever know how over-exposed the shot of your dog you were practicing on turned out. ; ) Practice, practice. Tell your friends you will give them free pictures if they will model for you and let you learn on them. Then once you’ve got a nice little portfolio going, get a blog and website to showcase it. I’d say start with a blog first because it’s more personal and people want to get to know you, not just your work. There are tons of photographers out there, but the ones who always captivate me the most are the ones I feel like allow me to get to know them with their online presence. Also, if you don’t already have Facebook, get one. Facebook has been one of the coolest ways for my clients to get to know me and vice versa. I could go on and on about Facebook and how much it has helped me, but I won’t. Just get one. : )

3. The lighting in your photos always looks amazing, how do you get them to look the way they do?
Lots of practice!!! : ) I am still learning everyday, but my favorite light is natural light. I know that a lot of really neat things can be done with artificial light, but I am just a lover of the natural. I love the warm tones it creates and the mood it sets. One of the best ways to get beautiful lighting in your photos is to know what time of day to shoot and how to use it appropriately. My favorite time is about an hour before the sun sets in the evening. There is this really neat website called Time and that will tell you what time the sun is going to set anywhere in the world anytime in the year.  It definitely helps me so much when planning photo shoots and it especially assists me when helping consult my brides for what time of day they should have their ceremony when they book me. When the sun is high above you it’s a lot harder to get the correct light because it can cause harsh shadows in places you’d rather them not be. It’s not impossible to get beautiful photographs at high noon, it’s just a lot more challenging. Another tip is don’t put your subject in the shade if the background behind him/her is in the bright sunlight.  To me it would be better to have the subject in the bright sunlight with the shade behind him/her. I’ve noticed darker backgrounds usually produce better photographs.

And because posts are prettier with pictures… below you will find one I shot of my fellow photographer friend Tina from Arizona while I was in Laguna Beach, California a couple of weeks ago. This shot was completely candid.


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For those of you who have only been reading my blog for a short time – let me introduce my sister Ashleigh. Well, technically she is Michael’s little sister – but over the past several years her and I have grown very close and there is no doubt she has become a real sister. You can see a few pictures I shot of her last year for Josh for Christmas here. This young lady is one of the most talented, creative and gifted people I know. She plays like every instrument (my personal favorite is the harp!), sings beautifully, cooks like a top chef and can make anything with some paper, glue, and scissors. There is no doubt she is Michael’s sister because he is also OOBER talented so obviously the “unlimited talents” gene runs in the family. Not only is she talented, but she is super kind and sweet. I love her to death and I’m so glad she considers me her older sis.

She recently moved back home from college and asked me to shoot a few pictures of her and her boyfriend Josh. Of course I obliged and we got some really cute stuff. Below are a few of my favorites:

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I just love this shot – super cute!!!

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A couple of weekends ago while I was in Virginia shooting Christina & Jeff’s wedding, I had the opportunity to hang out with Augusto and Houri, some friends of mine who live in the area. They took me to Washington so I could finally see The White House, and while we were there we decided to do a little mini shoot of them. Below are a few of my favorites:


It was a rainy day but the skies dried up long enough for us to get these shots in.


They are seriously adorable together.

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They recently had a baby and look how cute he is!! I couldn’t resist getting a shot of him too.

washingtonphotographer0005 washingtonphotographer0006Augusto & Houri, thank you so much for taking me to eat Belgian food and to tour Washington, D.C. before my plane took of to the O.C. I really appreciate it and I hope to see you again soon!! xoxo

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Facebook and Twitter have been two of fastest growing networking tools on the world wide web today. I’m totally blown away by the genius of the creators of these amazing networks. The thought sometimes crosses my mind, “man I wish I had been the one to think that up!” I mean really, how cool are they! Especially Facebook. I think it’s great how far they’ve come in a short time and I’ve been able to meet SO many wonderful and amazing individuals because of this neat website. If you’re not already my friend on Facebook, what are you waiting for? I’d love to know you! I also have a fan page that I keep updated on a regular basis which you can check out HERE.

Not a facebooker? Follow my tweets here. — I’ll warn you sometimes they are pretty lame, but hey I try!!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


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Leann was my roommate earlier this year in Paris for a boudoir workshop we both attended, which is where I met this fabulous, hilarious young woman from Huntington Beach, California. I not only learned a lot from her while in Paris, but we had tons of fun together and shared many laughs. Leann is one of the most tenderhearted, fun girls I have ever met. Her spunky personality makes me all giddy inside every time I talk to her. She is also a photographer like myself and recently asked me to do a shoot of her for her upcoming brand new website and blog while I was in California. We decided to do the shoot at 6am in Laguna Beach when we knew the light would be gorgeous and the beach would be empty. (Except for a few beachaholics who apparently had too much fun the night before and decided to crash right on the beach!!) I truly heart this girl and was honored she asked me to photograph her. Here are a few of my favorites:

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Love this.

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Thank you Leann for not only hosting me while I was in Huntington Beach, but by flattering me by giving me this opportunity! I heart you and can’t wait to see you again soon!!

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