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I adoooore Brittany and Adam! They met 10 years ago as freshmen in high school and have had a hard time being apart since. They became best friends at first which slowly turned into a beautiful relationship where it was obvious they were meant to be together forever. One of my favorite things about these two love birds is the way Adam speaks of Brittany. He told me that he doesn’t know one person who hasn’t fallen in love with Brittany as soon as they met her… I can see what he means because I adore Brittany! She has one of the most endearing and kind personalities of anyone I have ever met. He also told me that he loves her smile so much that until the day he dies, he will do whatever he can to make her smile because it is the most amazing thing on this earth – quite the romantic eh? I LOVE love!

Brittany and Adam, thank you SO much for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this beautiful time in your life! I am HONORED and thrilled to be the one who gets to document your love in photographs and I am so excited about your upcoming wedding!!

Below are a few of my favorites from their engagement shoot:

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Love this tree! And the light! Ooo and cowboy boots! Okay, I just love everything about this shot… especially the beautiful couple. That’s the best part!

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I definitely agree with Adam, her smile is BEAUTIFUL.



My favorite of the day: HOTT. You know I love me some passion!

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couplesphotographer0113I heart you both!!!

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You know how sometimes you cross paths with someone who leaves an impression on your heart and your life is never the same again? You find a person who you know will be a true friend for life. Friends that will always have your back, and never betray you are so hard to find in this world but I am proud to say Mike is one of those friends for me. He has been an inspiration in my life in more ways than one and I could never repay him for the things he has taught me and the many ways he has been there for me. Mike is one of the kindest, most genuine people I have ever met and I am so lucky to call him a true friend for life. On my recent trip to Chicago I did a photo shoot of Mike to document this time in his life and below are a few of my favorites.

Mike, thank you for being YOU. And thank you for being my friend. You are beautiful in every sense of the word and I will never stop being inspired by you.

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He totally rocked his shoot… I mean really.


This one is hilarious because I never noticed the huge NO TRESPASSING sign right behind him while shooting this!! HAHA! We’re SUCH rebels. OOPS.

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It was an absolutely perfect day in Chicago. I didn’t want to quit shooting because seriously… look at this light: chicagophotographer014

I love them all but this is my absolute favorite of the day.


Me with Mike and Mikey hanging out at the Signature Room in Chicago. It was so gorgeous up there!


Thanks again Mike for everything – never stop being yourself. Happy Monday everyone!

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As soon as I spoke on the phone for the first time with Angel, I knew we clicked. She told me about her and Brian and all the exciting plans for her wedding and what she had in mind for her engagement photos – I was in looovve! I have been bursting with excitement until the day finally arrived to shoot her and Brian’s engagement photos. What really got me pumped about this shoot was how personal the location was. Brian’s grandfather owns an old camp house in Ville Platte, Louisiana – where Brian grew up. As Angel described it to me on the phone, I just knew it was going to be the most perfect spot for their photos. I of course had no idea what the location would be like until I arrived… but I had total faith that no matter what it looked like, I knew it would be the best place because they chose it together. And I do believe I was right. See for yourself:


Angel you are beautiful!


Two elements I love in a photo (besides the obvious gorgeous couple): cowboy boots and old run down buildings


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You saw this in the sneak peak, but it’s too good not to post again. Hands down, my favorite of the day. This shot totally represents me as an artist. Angel and Brian completely rocked it.




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The day was absolutely perfect. Just look at that light!


Angel and Brian really do make a perfect couple. They were completely at ease with one another and pretty much just forgot about me shooting them – which I adore!! I love this shot.


And this one…


Brian’s job requires him to work on this tractor as well as others – this might just be the biggest prop I’ve ever had at an engagement session! How rad is this:


Final shot of the day: the sun was just setting behind the trees as we finished up and I had to snap a quick one of the beautiful light with tons of ducks flying around. Siiigh, I love days like this.


Angel & Brian, I had the most amazing time taking your engagement photos. Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of your beautiful story and I look forward to shooting your wedding in March!!

To see more of their photos click HERE for a slideshow!!

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So I don’t label myself a “children’s photographer” by any means, but every now and then I can’t resist when it comes to taking my past clients/friend’s kid’s portraits. Kimberly needed some updated ones of her two insanely GORGEOUS girls and I owed her a favor anyways so it worked out perfect! Kimberly was one of my boudoir clients and has since become such an awesome friend! She has THE most awesome personality, and cracks me up on a consistent basis. Personally, I think she deserves her own talk show — she’s that fabulous. For reals, I would watch you every day Kimber!! ; )

Below are just a few of my favorites. The girls WORKED IT. Just see for yourself…

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Rylee is Kimber #2 ALLLLLL the way… she has a personality and a half. I LOVED it. Oh and PS- if you haven’t noticed by now, Kimber shares my obsession for the color pink. Another reason I heart her.


If you were wondering why I was tweeting about children’s boots the other day… this is why: (thank you to my future bride Robin for helping us find these — you ROCK girl!!)

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Bailey is more reserved and shy. She plays the older sister role quite nicely.

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