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I have the best job in the world

No, really. I cannot express in words how happy I am to be blessed with the opportunity to get to do what I love and am so passionate about on a daily basis. I actually look forward to waking up everyday and getting to “work”. I realize that not everyone has the same opportunity and that makes me even more grateful for it. I feel like the luckiest girl alive and will strive everyday to never take my life for granted, or the many blessings I have been given. I absolutely LOVE what I do.. it truly brings me so much joy and happiness. 

Here is another photo to hold everyone over from Brittney and Landon’s shoot. I have so many pictures that I cannot wait to share. They will be online next week sometime!

I love the tenderness in this picture. It’s such a sweet moment.

landon0005I hope have everyone has an incredible weekend!

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