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THE MAKING OF A BRAVE MAN – my birthday wish

Very honest, raw post.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may remember when I told you about my friends Bobby and Lindsay Earle back in 2014. Bobby has Crohn’s disease and Lindsay has an incurable, disabling neurological disease that has left her almost lifeless. She has extremely painful migraines almost 24/7 that leave her paralyzed from pain. She has had this for four straight years now.

I shared their story with you, created a gofundme account and asked you to consider donating to help them with medical bills, groceries, life etc. You blew my mind with your generosity, and together with each of your donations, $50,000 was raised in two days. This money not only helped them tremendously financially, but it gave them hope.

And you inspired the hell out of me.

Thank you a million times over from the bottom of my heart to each of you who helped. I know that the Earles are eternally grateful.

They are truly two of the kindest, sweetest people on the planet. They have never once asked anyone for help. Bobby does everything he can in his power to take care of Lindsay and their son Clive. But because he suffers from his own disease, this is extremely limited. That along with having to monitor and help Lindsay constantly, making an income is nearly impossible. According to their close friend Josh, their money has completely run out.

They are suffering.

Emotionally and mentally. But mostly physically and financially.

While most of us are able to live our normal, day to day lives.. Bobby is carrying Lindsay to the restroom, showering her, feeding her…. he is trying to keep himself as healthy as possible… all while attempting to give their son somewhat of a normal childhood.

Bobby put together this video of Lindsay and Clive that will give you a little insight of their heartbreaking life:
(Clive loves to take photos, just like his daddy. :)

It’s so hard to understand how such lovely people could have been dealt such bad cards in life. Their situation literally breaks my heart into pieces. Every time I think about them, I ball my eyes out. It’s just so unfair. This precious family needs a miracle. And they need your help again.

My birthday is tomorrow. And my only wish is that you would consider donating to a new fund that their friend Josh has set up for them. Even if you only have a few dollars to spare, EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR counts. And if you can’t spare anything, then please at least share this post. And if you can’t share the post, then please pray for them. Lindsay and Bobby need healing. And they need your heart pouring out to the heavens on their behalf.

Donate here:
or: send them a Trader Joe’s gift card –  PM Josh Newton on Facebook for their address

I wanted to share some photos of them at the bottom of this post. You can see a glimpse of the devastation and pain of their current life. As well as what life looked like before these awful diseases took over and turned their life into a day to day nightmare.

I also wanted to share Josh’s post with you:

This post is meant for those closest to me. I’m sorry for the heaviness and bluntness of this post, but it’s reality. This year for Christmas is different – my family is having our get together in January, so I decided I wanted to spend the last three days with Bobby Earle, Lindsay Earle, and Clive Earle. The tree above is the one that 7 year old Clive setup. They didn’t have any money for presents this year so he set up the small Christmas tree, wrapped his dad’s favorite book, wrapped his mom’s favorite game, and a basketball for himself – and he was as happy as any kid I’ve seen Christmas morning.

For those of you who don’t know, Bobby got an extreme case of Crohn’s disease about 5 years ago and four years ago Lindsay got status migrainosus – and the pain from her migraines has left her disabled for four straight years. With Bobby not being able to keep any weight (he’s down to 130 lbs), he’s had to be the sole caretaker for Lindsay and Clive the entire time. Carrying her to the restroom, helping her regulate meds, somehow making food for them… All while trying to cope with the grief and loss their whole family is feeling. Lindsay’s pain affects Clive in a very visceral and difficult way… He is always worried about her and never stops thinking about her. If you ever see her smiling or conscious, it’s because she’s had to heavily medicate for that. It’s taken a big toll on her and it only lasts a few hours a day.

About a month ago they completely ran out of money. Almost all of their friends either don’t believe them or just have forgotten about them. They are so overwhelmed with their pain and grief that reaching out has become next to impossible… And they are both depressed and lonely. You guys, I’m not sure what to do but I have to do something. As a Christian, as a man, as a friend. I’ve cried more in the last three days than I have all year – I’m completely heartbroken for them.

I have to be honest, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else than here with them this Christmas season. What they have taught me about life, love, sacrifice, grief, loss, and bravery are gifts I will take with me the rest of my life. Life is truly beautiful with them and they are my heroes. I know many people are experiencing hardships and I’m thankful I get to share with them in theirs. It’s an honor and they will always be my best friends.

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