Courtney Dellafiora »

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I’m Back

Hi world. :)

I am steadily blown away by God’s love. It truly never ceases to amaze me. It makes every single day beautiful. It inspires my core. It gives me so much hope for the future. I am constantly left speechless by his overwhelming grace and favor upon my life. I am truly NOTHING without him. I could go on and on and on.

Since I last shared, some incredible, inspiring things have happened in my life. Some I will share about now and some will stay close to my heart until it is the right time to divulge. But all of it has brought so much inspiration back to my soul and mind. I am beaming with happiness and excitement.

In January, I decided to pack up my life and move across country from the east coast of Florida to the west coast of California. I drove by myself across our beautiful country in a moving truck and didn’t look back. Even went right through Baton Rouge and didn’t stop. It took me four days to get here but I made it. I now reside in sunny Los Angeles and I couldn’t be happier about it. This place is full of so much creativity and open minded souls. Sure, it certainly has its downfalls (as does any place) but I am excited to be here for a season in my life. I already know that because of future possibilities I won’t live here forever.  But it’s perfect for now. I plan on enjoying every moment of it during my time here and soaking up everything it has to offer. And it has a lot to offer. It is such a great place for an artist. So much beauty everywhere. So much inspiration.

I found an adorable place right in the heart of Hollywood and I bought a Vespa to get around this traffic filled place. I left my car in Florida and it was truly one of the best decisions I have ever made. LA is one of those places that if you don’t plan your life situation just right, you’ll be unhappy. I knew I had to live in the area I wanted to be in and I knew I couldn’t bring my car. I was NOT going to deal with the cluster of cars that are in this city. Not to mention there is never anywhere to park. So because I have a Vespa, I literally never have to deal with any of that nonsense. I scoot scoot myself in and out of traffic and I park it literally anywhere I want. It’s AMAZING. Not to mention because of the weather here, is the perfect place to own one. Sunny and beautiful 99% of the time. I actually prefer to ride a motorcycle or scooter anyway. There is something incredible about having the wind in your hair and the sun on your face. Ahhhhh, I am so happy when I am riding that thing.

When I got here a few months ago, I immediately helped a friend open his salon in West Hollywood. I was working 24/7 on that beauty, but I enjoyed the challenges it brought. I truly do enjoy ‘business’ and pushing that side of my brain. So it was a fun project to work on and also was a great way to meet new people and start new friendships. I am still running things there but now that it is “set up” so to speak, I have more free time to work on my own thing again.

I have decided that I want to do photography again for a little while. You guys were so right, I couldn’t stay away from it!! It’s part of me. It’s in my DNA. I have always seen life through a colorful lens and I want to express myself artistically with it. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely needed that break I took. I was burnt out. I was living in a fog. It’s like now my eyes have finally cleared and I am ready again. Deeply inspired, passionate. Thrilled at the ideas coming into my head. Bought a camera and lens (arrives tomorrow!) and I can’t wait to show you guys what I have planned. Can’t wait to push myself artistically and do it in a new place. In a new environment with fresh inspiration.

I decided that since I am in a new place, it was time for a spanking new brand as well. Thus came my new little photography venture, Whisper Riot. I will be specializing in fashion photography as well as couples. I love my couples!! Because, well… I am truly a romantic at heart. Hmmm, I am pretty sure you guys have figured that out by now! Ha!

So basically no more weddings and no more studio for boudoir. However, if you’re in LA, and want some sweet new photos, holler at me! I will be releasing the website this month sometime.

I don’t know how long I will be doing this. But for now, it’s perfect for this time in my life. And I am excited to show you some more prettiness that comes out of my mind, heart and soul. I hope you’ll be inspired.

The future is SO BRIGHT. I look forward to taking you with me on this journey of my life. Thanks for listening.

And again, a million times over… thank you to each and every single one of you who always shower me with your support and kindness. You’ll truly never know how much it feeds my soul and pushes me to be better. I love you all.

More soon. ;)

Thank you God for this beautiful life and every breath you give me.


PS. Follow Whisper Riot on Instagram: @whisperriot  – Email me:

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